Friday, 4 January 2013

A New Chapter to our lives.

We did it!
We survived the end of the world.
Now to survive travelling around Australia for 12 months in our Expanda with four lovely children. Our eldest son, Zachary, who thinks he is always right. Next, our daughter Amity(princess) who has emotional out burst, then our pedantic 4 year old son Jake, and not last but least out 1 year old son Curtis who is our 2 o'clock morning alarm.

Our adventures started in Ocean Grove.

Spending time with loving family, most of the time was spent at the beach and making sure that we are set up for our travels ahead, after re organising the Expanda, and making shelves for one of the cupboards for kids clothes, I think we are set. But as always, there will be something. Zach learnt how to body surf properly, Amity learnt how to do 2 magic tricks with a deck of cards thanks to her Uncle teaching her, Jake found a new love for lollies ( thanks to Christmas) and a few sayings, like "its hot like a sunrise mummy" "boom chicka wah-wah" and "bo-yah" and Curtis, well Santa brought him a plastic golf club set, he finds that they are great to hit things with, he also learnt "wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah"!!!

One thing we have found is that we need a roster, the kids seem to be lost with out the structure.
The Kids have started a journal book recording the adventures and memories, I will be encouraging them to use our blogger so at times I'm sure things will be interesting.
I have found that when trying to plan where our next stay is, it needs to be done at night or when kids aren't around!!!!

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